1. Public service with a moral purpose
Moral purpose must transcend the individual to become a quality of organizations and the system itself. Both need to be committed to pursuing moral purpose in all their core activities.
Changing whole systems means changing the entire context within which people work. Researchers are fond of observing that “context is everything”, usually in reference to why a particular innovation succeeded in one situation but not another. Systems thinkers in action basically say, if context is everything let’s change it for the better.
3. Lateral capacity building through networks
Lateral capacity means deliberate strategies where peers learn from each other – across schools, across LEAs, and so on.
4. New vertical co-dependent relationship
We know that problems have to be solved locally. Solutions rely, at least in part, on learners themselves and their capacity to take responsibility for positive outcomes.
5. Deep learning
Sustainability requires continuous improvement, adaptation and collective problem solving in the face of complex challenges that keep arising. Going beyond the standards plateau by definition requires deeper solutions.
6. Dual commitment to short-term and long-term results
Short-term progress can be accomplished at the expense of the mid-to-long term, but this need not necessarily be the case. LEAs and schools can set targets and take action to obtain early results, intervene in situations of poor performance all the while seeking deeper change which could pay off down the road.
7. Cyclical energizing
Sustainability does not mean linear, upward success. It is cyclical for two reasons. One has to do with energy and the other with periodic plateaus where additional time and ingenuity are required for the next adaptive breakthrough.
8. The long lever of leadership
If a system is to be transformed, leadership at all levels must be the primary engine. The main work of leaders is to help put in place all eight elements of sustainability including this one – fostering leadership in others.